Letterpress is currently booking about 2 months out.
Just make sure the face value of the stamps equals the current stamp cost
Ghirlandaio '75 Christmas stamps $0.10
Progress in Electronics stamps $0.08
Mail Order stamps $0.08
Energy Conservation stamps $0.10
Pan American Games, Chicago 1959 stamps $0.10
Collective Bargaining stamps $0.10
Haym Salomon stamps $0.10
Pan American Union Air Mail stamps $0.10
50th Anniversary U.S. Air Mail Service stamps $0.10
Airmail Stars stamps $0.10
Tourmaline stamps $0.10
Petrified Wood stamps $0.10
Amethyst stamps $0.10
Rhosochrosite stamps $0.10
Jefferson Memorial stamps $0.10
Zip Code stamps $0.10
Flags stamps $0.10
People's Right to Petition for Redress stamps $0.10
Preserve the Environment stamps $0.10
Benjamin West stamps $0.10
Horse Racing stamps $0.10
Rise of the Spirit of Independence stamps
Missouri stamps $0.08
PTA stamps $0.08